
ZhenHub’s tech platform is a one-stop solution for all your logistics needs: finding a warehouse, organizing your orders, shipping your products and tracking them every step of the way.

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Here’s what our tech platform does:

Warehouse Selection

Browse through a network of 15 warehouses (and counting) across the world and select those that work best for your ecommerce business.

Ecommerce Integrations

Seamlessly integrate and import all your product and order details directly from your ecommerce store with just a few clicks (it’s as easy as logging in)!

Inventory Management

Easily edit your product and order details and then finalize and ship the ones that are ready to be shipped.

Automated Shipping

For those of you who are all about that automation life, our platform’s automation toggle allows you to instantaneously finalize and ship orders as soon as they are placed (no extra work required)!

Order Tracking

Track orders automatically every step of the way through our platform’s continuous real-time updates.

Customized Customer Notification

Notify your customers of their orders’ whereabouts exactly the way you want with customized fonts, logos, greetings and more.

Here are the integrations we offer:

Start managing your inventory with ZhenHub today.